La búsqueda del término accidente ha obtenido 7 resultados
ES Español DA Danés
accidente {m} uheld
accidente (n) [unexpected event with negative consequences] {m} uheld (n) [unexpected event with negative consequences]
accidente (n) [transport: unintended event that causes damage] {m} ulykke (n) [transport: unintended event that causes damage] (n)
accidente (n) [unexpected event with negative consequences] {m} ulykke (n) [unexpected event with negative consequences] (n)
accidente (n) [unexpected event with negative consequences] {m} ulykkestilfælde (n) [unexpected event with negative consequences] (n)
ES Español DA Danés
accidente (n) [unexpected event with negative consequences] {m} tilfælde (n) [unexpected event with negative consequences] (n)
accidente (n) [unexpected event with negative consequences] {m} tilfældighed (n) [unexpected event with negative consequences] (n)
ES Sinónimos de accidente DA Traducciones
desgracia [percance] f Ungnade {f}
contratiempo [percance] m Widrigkeit {f}
catástrofe [percance] f Katastrophe {f}
contrariedad [percance] f Malheur {n}
incidente [percance] m Störfaktor
acceso [síncope] m Eingang {m} (m)
ataque [síncope] m Attacke {f}
desmayo [síncope] m Ohnmacht {f}
desvanecimiento [síncope] m Bewusstlosigkeit {f}
arrebato [acceso] m plötzlicher Ausbruch {m}
trastorno [acceso] m Geistesstörung {f}
golpe [arrollamiento] m Rückschlag {m}
choque [arrollamiento] m Zusammenstoß {m}
derribo [arrollamiento] m Abbruch {m}
atropello [arrollamiento] m Verbrechen {n}
daño [desperfecto] m Schaden {m}
deterioro [desperfecto] m Verschlimmerung
percance [desperfecto] m Malheur {n}
defecto [desperfecto] m Fehler {m}
imperfección [desperfecto] f Fehler {m}