La búsqueda del término acorde a ha obtenido 5 resultados
ES Español DE Alemán
acorde a (prep) [in proportion] entsprechend (prep) [in proportion]
acorde a (prep) [based on statement] gemäß (prep) [based on statement]
acorde a (prep) [based on statement] nach (prep) [based on statement]
acorde a (prep) [based on statement] laut (prep) [based on statement]
acorde a (prep) [based on statement] zufolge (prep) [based on statement]

ES DE Traducciones de acorde

acorde (n v) [chord of three or more notes] {m} Gruppe (n v) {f} [chord of three or more notes]
acorde (a) {m} entsprechend (a)
acorde (n) {m} Akkord (n) {m}
acorde (n v) [chord of three or more notes] {m} Akkord (n v) {m} [chord of three or more notes]
acorde (n v) [combination of three or more notes] {m} Akkord (n v) {m} [combination of three or more notes]
acorde (n) [música] {m} Akkord (n) {m} [música]
acorde (a) [conforme] {m} zustimmend (a) [conforme]
acorde (a) [conforme] {m} einwilligend (a) [conforme]
acorde (a) {m} einig (a)

ES DE Traducciones de a

a (n) zu (n)
a (o) [causando] zu (o) [causando]
a (o) [dirección] zu (o) [dirección]
a (particle prep adv) [in the direction of, and arriving at] zu (particle prep adv) [in the direction of, and arriving at]
a (conj prep) [towards] zu (conj prep) [towards]
a (particle prep adv) [used to indicate ratios] zu (particle prep adv) [used to indicate ratios]
a nach
a (o) [destino] nach (o) [destino]
a (particle prep adv) [in the direction of, and arriving at] nach (particle prep adv) [in the direction of, and arriving at]
a (conj prep) [towards] nach (conj prep) [towards]