La búsqueda del término al aire libre ha obtenido 6 resultados
ES Español DE Alemán
al aire libre (o) [lugar] außen (o) [lugar]
al aire libre (a) [general] draußen (a) [general]
al aire libre (o) [lugar] draußen (o) [lugar]
al aire libre (a) [general] im Freien (a) [general]
al aire libre (o) [lugar] im Freien (o) [lugar]
al aire libre (a) [general] Freiluft- (a) [general]

ES DE Traducciones de al

al (n adj adv) [towards the west] westlich (n adj adv) [towards the west]
al (n adj adv) [towards the west] westwärts (n adj adv) [towards the west]
al (a) zur (a)

ES DE Traducciones de aire

aire (n) [canción] {m} Weise (n) {f} [canción]
aire (n) [apariencia] {m} Erscheinungsbild (n) {n} [apariencia]
aire (n) [apariencia] {m} Format (n) {n} [apariencia]
aire (n) [canción] {m} Melodie (n) {f} [canción]
aire (n) [música] {m} Melodie (n) {f} [música]
aire (n) {m} Luft (n) {f}
aire (n) [general] {m} Luft (n) {f} [general]
aire (n v) [historical: one of the basic elements] {m} Luft (n v) {f} [historical: one of the basic elements]
aire (n v) [mixture of gases making up the atmosphere of the Earth] {m} Luft (n v) {f} [mixture of gases making up the atmosphere of the Earth]
aire (n) [small nocturnal insectivorous mammal with long snout and venomous saliva] {m} Schlitzrüssler (n) [small nocturnal insectivorous mammal with long snout and venomous saliva] (n)

ES DE Traducciones de libre

libre (a) frei (a)
libre (a) [disponible] frei (a) [disponible]
libre (adj adv v) [free of obstacles] frei (adj adv v) [free of obstacles]
libre (a) [general] frei (a) [general]
libre (a) [lugar] frei (a) [lugar]
libre (adj adv v n) [not imprisoned] frei (adj adv v n) [not imprisoned]
libre (adj adv v n) [not in use] frei (adj adv v n) [not in use]
libre (adj adv v n) [software: with very few limitations on distribution or improvement] frei (adj adv v n) [software: with very few limitations on distribution or improvement]
libre (adj adv v n) [unconstrained] frei (adj adv v n) [unconstrained]
libre (adj adv v n) [unobstructed] frei (adj adv v n) [unobstructed]