La búsqueda del término also ha obtenido 11 resultados
DE Alemán ES Español
also (n) [Schlussfolgerung] de tal manera (n) [Schlussfolgerung]
also (n) [Schlussfolgerung] así (n) [Schlussfolgerung]
also (n) [Schlussfolgerung] de este modo (n) [Schlussfolgerung]
also (o) [Grund] así (o) [Grund]
also (o) [Grund] por consiguiente (o) [Grund]
also (o) [Grund] por lo tanto (o) [Grund]
also (o) [Grund] desde luego (o) [Grund]
also (adv) [as a result] así (adv) [as a result]
also (adv) [interjection used to introduce a new topic] pues (adv) [interjection used to introduce a new topic]
also (conj adv adj int n) [interjection used to introduce a new topic] pues (conj adv adj int n) [interjection used to introduce a new topic]
also (adv) [for that or this reason; for that] por eso (adv) [for that or this reason; for that]

'Traducciones del Alemán al Español