La búsqueda del término amable ha obtenido 21 resultados
ES Español DE Alemán
amable (adj) [friendly as an amiable temper or mood] liebenswürdig (adj) [friendly as an amiable temper or mood]
amable (adj) [mild; benign] umgänglich (adj) [mild; benign]
amable (a) [general] umgänglich (a) [general]
amable (adj) [possessing sweetness of disposition] liebenswert (adj) [possessing sweetness of disposition]
amable (adj) [friendly as an amiable temper or mood] liebenswert (adj) [friendly as an amiable temper or mood]
amable (a) [comportamiento] gütig (a) [comportamiento]
amable (a) [comportamiento] lieb (a) [comportamiento]
amable (a) lieb (a)
amable (o) [amistad] kumpelhaft (o) [amistad]
amable (o) [amistad] kameradschaftlich (o) [amistad]
amable (adj) [possessing sweetness of disposition] liebenswürdig (adj) [possessing sweetness of disposition]
amable (adj) [Polite and respectful rather than rude] freundlich (adj) [Polite and respectful rather than rude]
amable (adj) [Polite and respectful rather than rude] liebenswürdig (adj) [Polite and respectful rather than rude]
amable (a) liebenswürdig (a)
amable (a) [comportamiento] gut (a) [comportamiento]
amable (adj adv n) [having a helpful disposition] nett (adj adv n) [having a helpful disposition]
amable (a) [comportamiento] nett (a) [comportamiento]
amable (a) nett (a)
amable (o) [amistad] freundschaftlich (o) [amistad]
amable (a) [general] freundlich (a) [general]
amable (a) [comportamiento] freundlich (a) [comportamiento]