La búsqueda del término Ansicht ha obtenido 10 resultados
DE Alemán ES Español
Ansicht (n) [Betrachten] {f} como muestra (n) [Betrachten]
Ansicht (n) {f} vista (n) {f}
Ansicht (n) {f} opinión (n) {f}
Ansicht (n) [Gedanke] {f} opinión (n) {f} [Gedanke]
Ansicht (n v) [something to look at] {f} vista (n v) {f} [something to look at]
Ansicht (n) [Gedanke] {f} parecer (n) {m} [Gedanke]
Ansicht (n) [Gedanke] {f} actitud (n) {f} [Gedanke]
Ansicht (n) [Gedanke] {f} postura (n) {f} [Gedanke]
Ansicht (n) [Gedanke] {f} punto de vista (n) {m} [Gedanke]
Ansicht (n) [a common or longstanding belief, custom, or catchphrase associated with a particular group, especially one with little current meaning or truth] {f} doctrina anticuada (n) [a common or longstanding belief, custom, or catchphrase associated with a particular group, especially one with little current meaning or truth] (n)

'Traducciones del Alemán al Español