La búsqueda del término bueno ha obtenido 39 resultados
ES Español DE Alemán
bueno (adj adv n v) [good-looking, attractive] heiß (adj adv n v) [good-looking, attractive]
bueno (adj adv n v) [good-looking, attractive] sexy (adj adv n v) [good-looking, attractive]
bueno (adj adv n v) [of superior quality] fein (adj adv n v) [of superior quality]
bueno (a) brav (a)
bueno (a) [niño] brav (a) [niño]
bueno (a) [niño] gehorsam (a) [niño]
bueno (a) [niño] gefügsam (a) [niño]
bueno (a) [persona] wohlerzogen (a) [persona]
bueno (adj adv n v) [of weather: sunny and not raining] herrlich (adj adv n v) [of weather: sunny and not raining]
bueno (a) froh (a)
bueno (adj adv n) [useful for a particular purpose (''it’s a good watch'')] gut (adj adv n) [useful for a particular purpose (''it’s a good watch'')]
bueno (adj adv n) [healthful] gesund (adj adv n) [healthful]
bueno (o) [duda] nun (o) [duda]
bueno (n) wohl (n)
bueno Nichtsnutz {m}
bueno Taugenichts {m}
bueno Tunichtgut {m}
bueno (adv adj int n v) [used to introduce a statement that may be contrary to expectations] na (adv adj int n v) [used to introduce a statement that may be contrary to expectations]
bueno (a) artig (a)
bueno (a) äh (a)
bueno (a) [destreza] gut (a) [destreza]
bueno (a) einwandfrei (a)
bueno (o) [interjección] na ja (o) [interjección]
bueno (adv adj int n v) [used to introduce a statement that may be contrary to expectations] na ja (adv adj int n v) [used to introduce a statement that may be contrary to expectations]
bueno (a) [despectivo] schön (a) [despectivo]
bueno (adj) [of weather: pleasant, clear] schön (adj) [of weather: pleasant, clear]
bueno (a) [tiempo] schön (a) [tiempo]
bueno (a) gut (a)
bueno (adj adv n) [acting in the interest of good; ethical good intentions] gut (adj adv n) [acting in the interest of good; ethical good intentions]
bueno (adj adv n) [beneficial; worthwhile] gut (adj adv n) [beneficial; worthwhile]
bueno (adj) [of weather: pleasant, clear] heiter (adj) [of weather: pleasant, clear]
bueno (adj adv n) [favourable] gut (adj adv n) [favourable]
bueno (a) [general] gut (a) [general]
bueno (adj adv n) [healthful] gut (adj adv n) [healthful]
bueno (a) [niño] gut (a) [niño]
bueno (adj adv n) [of people, competent or talented] gut (adj adv n) [of people, competent or talented]
bueno (a) [persona] gut (a) [persona]
bueno (a) [salud] gut (a) [salud]
bueno (a) [tiempo] gut (a) [tiempo]
ES Sinónimos de bueno DE Traducciones
agradable [atractivo] được
adecuado [apropiado] đầy đủ
bien [apropiado] m hàng hóa (n)
bienhechor [benévolo] ân nhân (n)
hombre [caramba] (m] larguirucho [c đàn ông
dulce [suave] tráng miệng
fiel [suave] m chung thủy (adj n)
excelente [mejor] ưu (adj adv)