La búsqueda del término comandante ha obtenido 6 resultados
ES Español DE Alemán
comandante (n) [an official charged with supervisory duties] {m} Aufseher (n) {m} [an official charged with supervisory duties]
comandante (n) [One who exercises control and direction of a military or naval organization] {m} Befehlshaber (n) {m} [One who exercises control and direction of a military or naval organization]
comandante (n) [militar] {m} Befehlshaber (n) {m} [militar]
comandante (n) [militar] {m} Major (n) {m} [militar]
comandante (n) [militar] {m} Kommandant (n) {m} [militar]
comandante (n) [One who exercises control and direction of a military or naval organization] {m} Kommandeur (n) {m} [One who exercises control and direction of a military or naval organization]
ES Sinónimos de comandante DE Traducciones
oficial [jefe] m oficial {m}
gobernador [jefe] m governador {m}
caudillo [jefe] chefe {m}