La búsqueda del término crecer ha obtenido 21 resultados
ES Español DE Alemán
crecer (n adj v) [literary: grow] zunehmen (n adj v) [literary: grow]
crecer (v) [to mature and become an adult] aufwachsen (v) [to mature and become an adult]
crecer (v) aufwachsen (v)
crecer (v) [to have one's physique expand] zulegen (v) [to have one's physique expand]
crecer (v) [to mature and become an adult] erwachsen (v) [to mature and become an adult]
crecer (v) [persona] erwachsen (v) [persona]
crecer (v) [to increase in bulk or stature] prosperieren (v) [to increase in bulk or stature]
crecer (v) [to increase in bulk or stature] gedeihen (v) [to increase in bulk or stature]
crecer (v) [to have one's physique expand] zunehmen (v) [to have one's physique expand]
crecer (v) [tamaño] zunehmen (v) [tamaño]
crecer (n adj v) [of the moon: appear larger each night] zunehmen (n adj v) [of the moon: appear larger each night]
crecer (v) [compañía] anwachsen (v) [compañía]
crecer (v) zunehmen (v)
crecer (v) [planta] wachsen (v) [planta]
crecer (v) [persona] wachsen (v) [persona]
crecer (n adj v) [literary: grow] wachsen (n adj v) [literary: grow]
crecer (v) [compañía] wachsen (v) [compañía]
crecer (v) [(''intransitive'') to become bigger] wachsen (v) [(''intransitive'') to become bigger]
crecer (v) [(''intransitive'') to appear or sprout] wachsen (v) [(''intransitive'') to appear or sprout]
crecer (v) wachsen (v)
crecer (v) [compañía] expandieren (v) [compañía]