La búsqueda del término cuesta arriba ha obtenido 3 resultados
ES Español DE Alemán
cuesta arriba (o) [dirección] bergauf (o) [dirección]
cuesta arriba (adv adj n) [up a slope, towards higher ground] bergauf (adv adj n) [up a slope, towards higher ground]
cuesta arriba (adv adj n) [up a slope, towards higher ground] bergan (adv adj n) [up a slope, towards higher ground]

ES DE Traducciones de cuesta

cuesta (n v) [area of ground that tends evenly upward or downward] {f} Hang (n v) {m} [area of ground that tends evenly upward or downward]
cuesta (n) [superficie] {f} Gefälle (n) {n} [superficie]
cuesta (n) [superficie] {f} Neigung (n) {f} [superficie]
cuesta (n) {f} Steigung (n) (f)
cuesta (n v) [area of ground that tends evenly upward or downward] {f} Steigung (n v) [area of ground that tends evenly upward or downward] (f)
cuesta (n) [pendiente] {f} Anhöhe (n) {f} [pendiente]
cuesta {f} Aufstieg {m}
cuesta (n) [pendiente] {f} steile Böschung (n) {f} [pendiente]
cuesta {f} Anstieg {m}
cuesta (n) [geología] {f} Gebirgspaß (n) {m} [geología]

ES DE Traducciones de arriba

arriba (prep adv adj n) [earlier in order in writing] früher (prep adv adj n) [earlier in order in writing]
arriba (adv prep adj n v) [away from earth’s surface] oben (adv prep adj n v) [away from earth’s surface]
arriba (o) [casa] oben (o) [casa]
arriba (o) [dirección] oben (o) [dirección]
arriba (prep adv adj n) [in a higher place] oben (prep adv adj n) [in a higher place]
arriba (o) [lugar] oben (o) [lugar]
arriba (o) [posición] oben (o) [posición]
arriba (adv adj) [up the stairs; on a higher floor or level] oben (adv adj) [up the stairs; on a higher floor or level]
arriba (o) [superficie] darauf (o) [superficie]
arriba (n) auf (n)