La búsqueda del término de allá ha obtenido 2 resultados
ES Español DE Alemán
de allá (adv determiner n) [in a distant, indicated place] (adv determiner n) dort (adv determiner n) [in a distant, indicated place]
de allá (adv determiner n) [in a distant, indicated place] (adv determiner n) drüben (adv determiner n) [in a distant, indicated place]

ES DE Traducciones de de

de (adj) [having a bad or foul taste] widerwärtig (adj) [having a bad or foul taste]
de (adj) [having a bad or foul taste] geschmacklos (adj) [having a bad or foul taste]
de (a) oberirdisch (a)
de (o) [general] zu (o) [general]
de (o) [general] für (o) [general]
de (n) vor (n)
de (prep) [with the separation, exclusion or differentiation of] vor (prep) [with the separation, exclusion or differentiation of]
de (o) [concerniente] betreffend (o) [concerniente]
de (o) [concerniente] betreffs (o) [concerniente]
de (o) [concerniente] bezüglich (o) [concerniente]

ES DE Traducciones de allá

allá (n) da (n)
allá (adv int n pronoun) [in or at that place] da (adv int n pronoun) [in or at that place]
allá (o) [lugar] an diesem Ort (o) [lugar]
allá (o) [lugar] an dieser Stelle (o) [lugar]
allá dort
allá (o) [destino] dort (o) [destino]
allá (adv int n pronoun) [in or at that place] dort (adv int n pronoun) [in or at that place]
allá (o) [lugar] dort (o) [lugar]
allá (n) dorthin (n)
allá (o) [destino] dorthin (o) [destino]