La búsqueda del término dicht ha obtenido 32 resultados
DE Alemán ES Español
dicht (a) denso (a)
dicht (a) cerca (a) {f}
dicht (a) junto (a)
dicht (a) [Position] cerca (a) {f} [Position]
dicht (o) [Verhältnis] cerca (o) {f} [Verhältnis]
dicht (a) [allgemein] denso (a) [allgemein]
dicht (a) [Rauch] denso (a) [Rauch]
dicht (a) [schwer] denso (a) [schwer]
dicht (adj) [opaque; allowing little light to pass through] denso (adj) [opaque; allowing little light to pass through]
dicht (adv) [in a close manner] cercanamente (adv) [in a close manner]
dicht (adj) [thick; difficult to penetrate] denso (adj) [thick; difficult to penetrate]
dicht (o) [Verhältnis] estrechamente (o) [Verhältnis]
dicht (o) [Verhältnis] íntimamente (o) [Verhältnis]
dicht (adj) [obscure, or difficult to understand] obscuro (adj) [obscure, or difficult to understand]
dicht (adj) [preventing entrance] cerrado (adj) [preventing entrance]
dicht (adj n) [intoxicated after drinking too much alcohol] pedo (adj n) [intoxicated after drinking too much alcohol]
dicht (adj) [opaque; allowing little light to pass through] tupido (adj) [opaque; allowing little light to pass through]
dicht (adj) [preventing entrance] sellado (adj) [preventing entrance]
dicht (adj n) [intoxicated after drinking too much alcohol] borracho (adj n) {m} [intoxicated after drinking too much alcohol]
dicht (adj) [math: being a well-approximating subset] denso (adj) [math: being a well-approximating subset]
dicht (adj) [having relatively high density] denso (adj) [having relatively high density]
dicht (adj) [thick; difficult to penetrate] espeso (adj) [thick; difficult to penetrate]
dicht (a) [schwer] espeso (a) [schwer]
dicht (a) [Rauch] espeso (a) [Rauch]
dicht (a) [Haar] espeso (a) [Haar]
dicht (adj) [compact; crowded together] compacto (adj) [compact; crowded together]
dicht (adj) [compact; crowded together] macizo (adj) {m} [compact; crowded together]
dicht (o) [Verhältnis] de cerca (o) [Verhältnis]
dicht (adj) [obscure, or difficult to understand] enigmático (adj) [obscure, or difficult to understand]
dicht (a) [Position] cercano (a) [Position]
dicht (adj n) [intoxicated after drinking too much alcohol] ebrio (adj n) [intoxicated after drinking too much alcohol]
dicht (a) [Position] próximo (a) {m} [Position]

'Traducciones del Alemán al Español