La búsqueda del término doméstico ha obtenido 11 resultados
ES Español DE Alemán
doméstico (a) [lugar] {m} wohnlich (a) [lugar]
doméstico (a) [general] {m} minderwertig (a) [general]
doméstico (n) [one who is hired to perform regular household or other duties, and receives compensation] {m} Diener (n) {m} [one who is hired to perform regular household or other duties, and receives compensation]
doméstico (n) [one who is hired to perform regular household or other duties, and receives compensation] {m} Dienerin (n) {f} [one who is hired to perform regular household or other duties, and receives compensation]
doméstico (a) [país] {m} einheimisch (a) [país]
doméstico (a) [general] {m} niedrig (a) [general]
doméstico (a) {m} häuslich (a)
doméstico (a) [casa] {m} häuslich (a) [casa]
doméstico (n) [profesión - hombre] {m} Hausangestellte (n) {m} [profesión - hombre]
doméstico (a) [general] {m} Sklaven- (a) [general]
doméstico (n) {m} Domestik (n) {m}
ES Sinónimos de doméstico DE Traducciones
asistente [mozo] m assistent (n adj v)
muchacho [mozo] m tenåringsgutt (n int v)
camarero [mozo] m kelner {m}
hogareño [casero] hyggelig
mozo [servidor] (m (Lat. Amer.) kelner {m}
mayordomo [servidor] m bøtler (n v)
corriente [íntimo] f strømstyrke (n adj)
llano [íntimo] m flat
intestino [civil] m tykktarm