La búsqueda del término en el término de ha obtenido uno resultado
ES Español DE Alemán
en el término de (n) binnen (n)

ES DE Traducciones de en

en (n) an (n)
en (n) auf (n)
en (prep adv) [being directly supported by another] auf (prep adv) [being directly supported by another]
en (o) [preposición] auf (o) [preposición]
en (adj adv) [on fire] lodernd (adj adv) [on fire]
en (adj adv) [on fire] in (adj adv) [on fire]
en (o) [preposición] in (o) [preposición]
en (o) [proximidad] in (o) [proximidad]
en (v) anderswo (v)
en (n) hinein (n)

ES DE Traducciones de el

el (adv conj pronoun n) [the time] Wann (adv conj pronoun n) [the time] (adv conj pronoun n)
el (article adv) [article] das (article adv) [article]
el (o) [artículo definido] das (o) [artículo definido]
el (n) der (n)
el (article adv) [article] der (article adv) [article]
el (o) [artículo definido] der (o) [artículo definido]
el (article adv) [used with the name of a member of a class to refer to all things in that class] der (article adv) [used with the name of a member of a class to refer to all things in that class]
el (article adv) [with a superlative] der (article adv) [with a superlative]
el (article adv) [article] die (article adv) [article]
el (o) [artículo definido] die (o) [artículo definido]

ES DE Traducciones de término

término (n) [actividad] {m} Abschluss (n) {m} [actividad]
término (n) [actividad] {m} Ende (n) {n} [actividad]
término (n) [actividad] {m} Beendigung (n) {f} [actividad]
término (n v) [word or phrase, especially one from a specialised area of knowledge] {m} Bezeichnung (n v) {f} [word or phrase, especially one from a specialised area of knowledge]
término (n) [palabras] {m} Ausdruck (n) {m} [palabras]
término (n v) [word or phrase, especially one from a specialised area of knowledge] {m} Begriff (n v) {m} [word or phrase, especially one from a specialised area of knowledge]
término (n) [vías férreas] {m} Endstation (n) {f} [vías férreas]
término (n) {m} Terminus (n)
término (n v) [word or phrase, especially one from a specialised area of knowledge] {m} Terminus (n v) [word or phrase, especially one from a specialised area of knowledge]
término (n v) [one of the addends in a sum or in another mathematical operation] {m} Term (n v) [one of the addends in a sum or in another mathematical operation]

ES DE Traducciones de de

de (adj) [having a bad or foul taste] widerwärtig (adj) [having a bad or foul taste]
de (adj) [having a bad or foul taste] geschmacklos (adj) [having a bad or foul taste]
de (a) oberirdisch (a)
de (o) [general] zu (o) [general]
de (o) [general] für (o) [general]
de (n) vor (n)
de (prep) [with the separation, exclusion or differentiation of] vor (prep) [with the separation, exclusion or differentiation of]
de (o) [concerniente] betreffend (o) [concerniente]
de (o) [concerniente] betreffs (o) [concerniente]
de (o) [concerniente] bezüglich (o) [concerniente]