La búsqueda del término en medio ha obtenido uno resultado
ES | Español | DE | Alemán | |
| en medio (prep) [in the midst or middle of; surrounded or encompassed by; among] | | inmitten (prep) [in the midst or middle of; surrounded or encompassed by; among] | |
| en (n) | | an (n) | |
| en (n) | | auf (n) | |
| en (prep adv) [being directly supported by another] | | auf (prep adv) [being directly supported by another] | |
| en (o) [preposición] | | auf (o) [preposición] | |
| en (adj adv) [on fire] | | lodernd (adj adv) [on fire] | |
| en (adj adv) [on fire] | | in (adj adv) [on fire] | |
| en (o) [preposición] | | in (o) [preposición] | |
| en (o) [proximidad] | | in (o) [proximidad] | |
| en (v) | | anderswo (v) | |
| en (n) | | hinein (n) | |
| medio (n v) [something that one uses to achieve an objective] {m} | | Quelle (n v) {f} [something that one uses to achieve an objective] | |
| medio (a) [general] {m} | | durchschnittlich (a) [general] | |
| medio (n) [centro] {m} | | Mittelpunkt (n) {m} [centro] | |
| medio (n) [general] {m} | | Mittel (n) {n} [general] | |
| medio (n v) [something that one uses to achieve an objective] {m} | | Mittel (n v) {n} [something that one uses to achieve an objective] | |
| medio (n) [ayudar] {m} | | Zuflucht (n) {f} [ayudar] | |
| medio (n) [ayudar] {m} | | Ausweg (n) {m} [ayudar] | |
| medio (n) [area around something] {m} | | Umgebung (n) {f} [area around something] | |
| medio (n) [software or hardware on a computer] {m} | | Umgebung (n) {f} [software or hardware on a computer] | |
| medio (a) [general] {m} | | Durchschnitts- (a) [general] | |