La búsqueda del término flotar ha obtenido 18 resultados
ES Español DE Alemán
flotar (v) [agua] schwimmen (v) [agua]
flotar (n v) [to move in a fluid manner] schweben (n v) [to move in a fluid manner]
flotar (n v) [to drift gently through the air] schweben (n v) [to drift gently through the air]
flotar (n v) [to be supported by a liquid] schweben (n v) [to be supported by a liquid]
flotar (v) schweben (v)
flotar (v) [divisa] floaten (v) [divisa]
flotar (v) [bandera] flattern (v) [bandera]
flotar (n v) [to be supported by a liquid] schwimmen (n v) [to be supported by a liquid]
flotar (n v) [to be capable of floating] schwimmen (n v) [to be capable of floating]
flotar (v) treiben (v)
flotar (v) schwimmen (v)
flotar (n v) [to move in a fluid manner] gleiten (n v) [to move in a fluid manner]
flotar (n v) [to drift gently through the air] gleiten (n v) [to drift gently through the air]
flotar (v) [agua] gleiten (v) [agua]
flotar (v) [divisa] schwanken (v) [divisa]
flotar (n v) [to move in a particular direction with the liquid in which one is floating] treiben (n v) [to move in a particular direction with the liquid in which one is floating]
flotar (n v) [to be supported by a liquid] treiben (n v) [to be supported by a liquid]
flotar (v) [agua] treiben (v) [agua]