La búsqueda del término fortaleza ha obtenido 10 resultados
ES Español DE Alemán
fortaleza (n v) [personal capacity] {f} Mittel (n v) {n} [personal capacity]
fortaleza (n) [positive attribute] {f} Stärke (n) {f} [positive attribute]
fortaleza (n) {f} Festung (n) {f}
fortaleza (n) [a fortress] {f} Festung (n) {f} [a fortress]
fortaleza (n) [arquitectura] {f} Festung (n) {f} [arquitectura]
ES Español DE Alemán
fortaleza (n) [fortified defensive structure stationed with troops] {f} Festung (n) {f} [fortified defensive structure stationed with troops]
fortaleza (n v) [fortified place] {f} Festung (n v) {f} [fortified place]
fortaleza (n) [fortified defensive structure stationed with troops] {f} Fort (n) {n} [fortified defensive structure stationed with troops]
fortaleza (n) [general] {f} Standhaftigkeit (n) {f} [general]
fortaleza (n v) [personal capacity] {f} Fähigkeiten (n v) [personal capacity]
ES Sinónimos de fortaleza DE Traducciones
vigor [energía] m voimakkuus
fuerza [energía] f voima
brío [energía] m virta
espíritu [energía] m sielu
fuerte [atalaya] m vahva puoli (n adj adv)
castillo [atalaya] m linna
castro [atalaya] linna
fortificación [baluarte] f linnoitus
valor [ánimo] m pelottomuus (n)
coraje [ánimo] m urhoollisuus
corazón [ánimo] m kara (tekn)
obesidad [robustez] f liikalihavuus
solidez [rigidez] f vahvuus
firmeza [rigidez] f vakaus (n)
resistencia [rigidez] f sietokyky (n)
dureza [rigidez] f kovuus
carácter [firmeza] m merkki
determinación [firmeza] f päätös
aliento [firmeza] m uloshengitys (n)
entereza [firmeza] f jakamattomuus (n)