La búsqueda del término ganz ha obtenido 37 resultados
DE Alemán ES Español
ganz (n) [nicht zerbrochen, unversehrt] todo (n) {m} [nicht zerbrochen, unversehrt]
ganz (o) [allgemein] todo (o) {m} [allgemein]
ganz (a) [Menge] todo (a) {m} [Menge]
ganz (a) [gesamt] integral (a) {f} [gesamt]
ganz entero {m}
ganz (a) [Gruppe] entero (a) {m} [Gruppe]
ganz (adj adv n) [entire] entero (adj adv n) {m} [entire]
ganz (a) [gesamt] entero (a) {m} [gesamt]
ganz (adj adv n v) [total, entire] entero (adj adv n v) {m} [total, entire]
ganz (adj n) [whole] entero (adj n) {m} [whole]
ganz (adj) [fair; good enough; okay] decente (adj) [fair; good enough; okay]
ganz (o) [Grad] enteramente (o) [Grad]
ganz (o) [allgemein] enteramente (o) [allgemein]
ganz (o) [Grad] en total (o) [Grad]
ganz (o) [Grad] totalmente (o) [Grad]
ganz (adv adj int n v) [completely; fully] totalmente (adv adj int n v) [completely; fully]
ganz (adv) [to the fullest extent or degree] totalmente (adv) [to the fullest extent or degree]
ganz (o) [komplett] en su totalidad (o) [komplett]
ganz (adj adv) [to a high degree] muy (adj adv) [to a high degree]
ganz (adv determiner n) [throughout the whole of (a stated period of time)] toda (adv determiner n) [throughout the whole of (a stated period of time)]
ganz (adv) [in a complete manner] completamente (adv) [in a complete manner]
ganz (a) [gesamt] completo (a) [gesamt]
ganz (v adj) [with everything included] completo (v adj) [with everything included]
ganz (a) [Grad] total (a) {m} [Grad]
ganz (n adj v) [entire] total (n adj v) {m} [entire]
ganz (a) [gesamt] total (a) {m} [gesamt]
ganz (a) [Grad] cabal (a) [Grad]
ganz (o) [Grad] completamente (o) [Grad]
ganz (adv adj int n v) [completely; fully] completamente (adv adj int n v) [completely; fully]
ganz (o) [Zeit] durante todo (o) [Zeit]
ganz (o) [komplett] completamente (o) [komplett]
ganz (adv determiner n) [intensifier] todo (adv determiner n) {m} [intensifier]
ganz (adv determiner n) [throughout the whole of (a stated period of time)] todo (adv determiner n) {m} [throughout the whole of (a stated period of time)]
ganz (o) [Grad] en conjunto (o) [Grad]
ganz (o) [intensivierendes Wort] bastante (o) [intensivierendes Wort]
ganz (a) [Grad] completo (a) [Grad]
ganz (adv adj int n v) [completely; fully] bien (adv adj int n v) {m} [completely; fully]

'Traducciones del Alemán al Español