La búsqueda del término Gruppe ha obtenido 36 resultados
DE Alemán ES Español
Gruppe (n) [Mathematik] {f} grupo (n) {m} [Mathematik]
Gruppe (n) [allgemein] {f} grupo (n) {m} [allgemein]
Gruppe (n) [Trupp] {f} grupo (n) {m} [Trupp]
Gruppe (n) [Sammlung] {f} grupo (n) {m} [Sammlung]
Gruppe (n) [Person] {f} grupo (n) {m} [Person]
DE Alemán ES Español
Gruppe (n) [Kategorie] {f} grupo (n) {m} [Kategorie]
Gruppe (n) [Leute] {f} grupo (n) {m} [Leute]
Gruppe (n v) [people who perform music together] {f} grupo (n v) {m} [people who perform music together]
Gruppe (n v) [group of consonants] {f} grupo (n v) {m} [group of consonants]
Gruppe (n v) [significant subset within a population] {f} grupo (n v) {m} [significant subset within a population]
Gruppe (n) [Trupp] {f} comitiva (n) {f} [Trupp]
Gruppe (n) [Vereinigung] {f} sociedad (n) {f} [Vereinigung]
Gruppe (n) [Vereinigung] {f} organización (n) {f} [Vereinigung]
Gruppe (n) [Sammlung] {f} mata (n) {f} [Sammlung]
Gruppe (n) [Leute] {f} tropel (n) {m} [Leute]
Gruppe (n v) [group of consonants] {f} agrupamiento (n v) {m} [group of consonants]
Gruppe (n v) [group or bunch of something] {f} agrupamiento (n v) {m} [group or bunch of something]
Gruppe (n v) [group of consonants] {f} agrupación (n v) {m} [group of consonants]
Gruppe (n) [people organized] {f} escuadra (n) {f} [people organized]
Gruppe (n) [people organized] {f} escuadrón (n) {m} [people organized]
Gruppe (n v) [group or bunch of something] {f} racimo (n v) {m} [group or bunch of something]
Gruppe {f} Grupo
Gruppe (n v) [number of things or persons being in some relation to each other] {f} grupo (n v) {m} [number of things or persons being in some relation to each other]
Gruppe (n v) [in group theory] {f} grupo (n v) {m} [in group theory]
Gruppe (v n adj) [group of people, usually meeting socially] {f} grupo (v n adj) {m} [group of people, usually meeting socially]
Gruppe (n) [Vereinigung] {f} liga (n) {f} [Vereinigung]
Gruppe (n v) [column in the periodic table] {f} grupo (n v) {m} [column in the periodic table]
Gruppe (n) [militärisch] {f} brigada (n) {f} [militärisch]
Gruppe (n) [Vereinigung] {f} asociación (n) {f} [Vereinigung]
Gruppe (n) [Leute] {f} conjunto (n) {m} [Leute]
Gruppe (n v) [group of people loosely united for a common purpose] {f} banda (n v) {f} [group of people loosely united for a common purpose]
Gruppe (n) [people organized] {f} cuadrilla (n) {f} [people organized]
Gruppe (n) [Leute] {f} cuadrilla (n) {f} [Leute]
Gruppe (n) [militärisch] {f} pelotón (n) {m} [militärisch]
Gruppe (n v) [group or bunch of something] {f} amontonamiento (n v) {m} [group or bunch of something]
Gruppe (n v) [chord of three or more notes] {f} acorde (n v) {m} [chord of three or more notes]

'Traducciones del Alemán al Español

DE Sinónimos de gruppe ES Traducciones
Partei [Einheit] f parte {f}
Organisation [Einheit] f Organización
Gattung [Einheit] género {m}
Verband [Einheit] m federación {f}
Flotte [Einheit] f flota {f}
Fraktion [Einheit] f fracción {f}
Kommando [Einheit] n Command
Fach [Einheit] n curso {m}
Korps [Einheit] n Corpus
Haufen [Einheit] m cuadrilla {f}
Rubrik [Einheit] f rúbrica {f}
Schar [Einheit] f multitud {f}
Kolonne [Einheit] (f columna {f}
Klasse [Einheit] f clase {f}
Belegschaft [Einheit] f personal {m}
Tross [Einheit] m bagaje {m}
Teil [Einheit] n parte {f}
Abteilung [Einheit] f parte {f}
Satz [Einheit] m frase {f}
Station [Einheit] f estación {f}