La búsqueda del término herramienta ha obtenido 8 resultados
ES Español DE Alemán
herramienta (n) {f} Werkzeug (n) {n}
herramienta (n v) [equipment used in a profession] {f} Werkzeug (n v) {n} [equipment used in a profession]
herramienta (n) [general] {f} Werkzeug (n) {n} [general]
herramienta (n v) [mechanical device intended to make a task easier] {f} Werkzeug (n v) {n} [mechanical device intended to make a task easier]
herramienta (n v) [mechanical device intended to make a task easier] {f} Gerät (n v) {n} [mechanical device intended to make a task easier]
herramienta (n v) [equipment used in a profession] {f} Instrument (n v) {n} [equipment used in a profession]
herramienta (n) [general] {f} Instrument (n) {n} [general]
herramienta (n v) [mechanical device intended to make a task easier] {f} Instrument (n v) {n} [mechanical device intended to make a task easier]
ES Sinónimos de herramienta DE Traducciones
cepillo [garlopa] m 刷子 (shuāzi)
gato [cric] m
cuchara [zapa] f 匙子 (chízi)
pala [zapa] f
pico [zapapico] m 鳥嘴
sierra [serrucho] f 鋸子