La búsqueda del término humo ha obtenido 9 resultados
ES Español DE Alemán
humo (n) {m} Rauch (n) {m}
humo (n v) [A gas or vapour/vapor that smells strongly or is dangerous to inhale] {m} Rauch (n v) {m} [A gas or vapour/vapor that smells strongly or is dangerous to inhale]
humo (n) [fuego] {m} Rauch (n) {m} [fuego]
humo (n) [tabaco] {m} Rauch (n) {m} [tabaco]
humo (n v adj) [visible particles and vapour given off by burning material] {m} Rauch (n v adj) {m} [visible particles and vapour given off by burning material]
humo (n v) [A gas or vapour/vapor that smells strongly or is dangerous to inhale] {m} Qualm (n v) {m} [A gas or vapour/vapor that smells strongly or is dangerous to inhale]
humo {m} Schwaden {m}
humo {m} Rauchgas {n}
humo (a) {m} rauch (a)
ES Sinónimos de humo DE Traducciones
fumarola [humareda] f fumarole
exhalación [humareda] exhalation
vapor [humareda] m steam
mancha [hollín] f blotch