La búsqueda del término im Dunkeln pfeifen ha obtenido uno resultado
DE Alemán ES Español
im Dunkeln pfeifen (v) [make a show of bravery] (v) poner (v) [make a show of bravery]

DE ES Traducciones de im

im (v) [to be plentiful] ser (v) {m} [to be plentiful]
im (adv) [in bed, or on the bed] acostado (adv) [in bed, or on the bed]
im (v) [to be plentiful] abundar (v) [to be plentiful]
im (adv) [in bed, or on the bed] en cama (adv) [in bed, or on the bed]

DE ES Traducciones de pfeifen

Pfeifen (n) [Vögel] {n} canto (n) {m} [Vögel]
Pfeifen (n v) [sound made by whistling] {n} silbato (n v) {m} [sound made by whistling]
Pfeifen (n v) [sound similar to the sound made by whistling] {n} silbato (n v) {m} [sound similar to the sound made by whistling]
Pfeifen (n) [Laut] {n} sonido estridente (n) {m} [Laut]
Pfeifen (n) [Laut] {n} silbido (n) {m} [Laut]
Pfeifen (n) [Person] {n} silbido (n) {m} [Person]
Pfeifen (n v) [sound made by whistling] {n} chiflido (n v) {Ü|es|} [sound made by whistling]
Pfeifen (n v) [sound similar to the sound made by whistling] {n} pito (n v) [sound similar to the sound made by whistling]
Pfeifen (n v) [sound made by whistling] {n} pitido (n v) [sound made by whistling]
Pfeifen (n v) [sound similar to the sound made by whistling] {n} pitido (n v) [sound similar to the sound made by whistling]