La búsqueda del término in Richtung ha obtenido uno resultado
DE Alemán ES Español
in Richtung (prep adj) [in the direction of] hacia (prep adj) [in the direction of]

DE ES Traducciones de in

in a
in (o) [Nähe] a (o) [Nähe]
in (particle prep adv) [in the direction of, and arriving at] a (particle prep adv) [in the direction of, and arriving at]
in (v) [to provoke someone to do wrong] tentar (v) [to provoke someone to do wrong]
in (o) [in jeder] por (o) [in jeder]
in en
in (o) [Nähe] en (o) [Nähe]
in (o) [Verhältniswort] en (o) [Verhältniswort]
in (adj adv) [on fire] en (adj adv) [on fire]
in (n v) [to cut into small cubes] cortar en cubos (n v) [to cut into small cubes] (n v)

DE ES Traducciones de richtung

Richtung (n) {f} dirección (n) {f}
Richtung (n) [Orientierung] {f} dirección (n) {f} [Orientierung]
Richtung (n) [indication of the point toward which an object is moving] {f} dirección (n) {f} [indication of the point toward which an object is moving]
Richtung (n) [Orientierung] {f} rumbo (n) {m} [Orientierung]

'Traducciones del Alemán al Español

DE Sinónimos de in richtung ES Traducciones
hinterher [hinter] después
nach [hinter] según
hinter [in Richtung] después