La búsqueda del término klug ha obtenido 27 resultados
DE Alemán ES Español
klug (a) [scharfem] lista (a) {f} [scharfem]
klug (a) [scharfem] listo (a) [scharfem]
klug (a) [Verstand] listo (a) [Verstand]
klug (adj v n) [showing good judgement] juicioso (adj v n) [showing good judgement]
klug (a) [Benehmen] prudente (a) [Benehmen]
klug (a) [Benehmen] juicioso (a) [Benehmen]
klug (adj) [mentally quick or sharp] pillo (adj) {m} [mentally quick or sharp]
klug (a) [weise] acertado (a) [weise]
klug (adj v int) [well-informed and perceptive] sabio (adj v int) {m} [well-informed and perceptive]
klug (adj v n) [showing good judgement] sabio (adj v n) {m} [showing good judgement]
klug sabio {m}
klug (v adj n) [exhibiting intellectual knowledge, such as that found in books] intelectual (v adj n) {m} [exhibiting intellectual knowledge, such as that found in books]
klug (a) [Verstand] despierto (a) [Verstand]
klug (adj) [mentally quick or sharp] listo (adj) [mentally quick or sharp]
klug (v adj n) [exhibiting intellectual knowledge, such as that found in books] listo (v adj n) [exhibiting intellectual knowledge, such as that found in books]
klug (adj) [mentally quick or sharp] inteligente (adj) [mentally quick or sharp]
klug (a) [Verstand] inteligente (a) [Verstand]
klug (adj) [having or showing keen discernment] sagaz (adj) [having or showing keen discernment]
klug (a) [allgemein] sagaz (a) [allgemein]
klug (adj) [showing clever resourcefulness in practical matters] perspicaz (adj) [showing clever resourcefulness in practical matters]
klug (a) [allgemein] perspicaz (a) [allgemein]
klug (a) [Verstand] perspicaz (a) [Verstand]
klug (a) [weise] sensato (a) [weise]
klug (adj) [mentally quick or sharp] astuto (adj) [mentally quick or sharp]
klug (a) [Verstand] agudo (a) [Verstand]
klug (a) [weise] prudente (a) [weise]
klug juicioso

'Traducciones del Alemán al Español