La búsqueda del término laufen ha obtenido 16 resultados
DE Alemán ES Español
laufen (v) [Flüssigkeit] marchar (v) [Flüssigkeit]
laufen (v) [Lebewesen] correr (v) [Lebewesen]
laufen (v) [Menschen] andar (v) {m} [Menschen]
laufen (v) [Bewegung] correr (v) [Bewegung]
laufen (adj adv n) [the action of the verb to run] administración (adj adv n) {f} [the action of the verb to run]
laufen (adj adv n) [the action of the verb to run] dirección (adj adv n) {f} [the action of the verb to run]
laufen (v n) [to travel a distance by walking] pasear (v n) [to travel a distance by walking]
laufen (adj adv n) [the action of the verb to run] manejo (adj adv n) {m} [the action of the verb to run]
laufen (adj adv n) [the action of the verb to run] control (adj adv n) {m} [the action of the verb to run]
laufen (v) [mechanisch] funcionar (v) [mechanisch]
laufen correr
laufen (n adj v) [to move quickly on two feet] correr (n adj v) [to move quickly on two feet]
laufen caminar
laufen (v n) [to travel a distance by walking] caminar (v n) [to travel a distance by walking]
laufen (adj adv n) [the action of the verb to run] organización (adj adv n) {f} [the action of the verb to run]
laufen andar {m}

'Traducciones del Alemán al Español