La búsqueda del término listo ha obtenido 52 resultados
ES Español DE Alemán
listo (v adj n) [exhibiting intellectual knowledge, such as that found in books] intelligent (v adj n) [exhibiting intellectual knowledge, such as that found in books]
listo (v n adj) [ready, prepared] bereit (v n adj) [ready, prepared]
listo (adv prep adj n v) [ready, willing] bereit (adv prep adj n v) [ready, willing]
listo (a) [tiempo] bereit (a) [tiempo]
listo (adj v) [(of food) ready, fully cooked] gar (adj v) [(of food) ready, fully cooked]
listo (a) [carne] gar (a) [carne]
listo (a) [verduras] gar (a) [verduras]
listo (a) [inteligencia] begabt (a) [inteligencia]
listo (a) [inteligencia] erfinderisch (a) [inteligencia]
listo (a) gescheit (a)
listo (v adj n) [exhibiting intellectual knowledge, such as that found in books] gescheit (v adj n) [exhibiting intellectual knowledge, such as that found in books]
listo (a) [inteligencia] gescheit (a) [inteligencia]
listo (adj) [mentally quick or sharp] gescheit (adj) [mentally quick or sharp]
listo (a) [estado emocional] bereit (a) [estado emocional]
listo (a) [inteligencia] intelligent (a) [inteligencia]
listo (a) [inteligencia] leicht von Begriff (a) [inteligencia]
listo (a) [comportamiento] spitzfindig (a) [comportamiento]
listo (a) [respuesta] spitzfindig (a) [respuesta]
listo (a) [estado emocional] willig (a) [estado emocional]
listo (a) betriebsbereit (a)
listo (adj) [mentally quick or sharp] clever (adj) [mentally quick or sharp]
listo (n v adj) [quick-witted] clever (n v adj) [quick-witted]
listo (n v adj) [quick-witted] smart (n v adj) [quick-witted]
listo (n) aalglatt (n)
listo (adj) [mentally quick or sharp] patent (adj) [mentally quick or sharp]
listo (adj adv n v) [intelligent] scharfsinning (adj adv n v) [intelligent] (adj adv n v)
listo (a) [inteligencia] scharfsinnig (a) [inteligencia]
listo (a) fertig (a)
listo (adj v) [(of food) ready, fully cooked] fertig (adj v) [(of food) ready, fully cooked]
listo (a) [preparación] fertig (a) [preparación]
listo (v n adj) [ready, prepared] fertig (v n adj) [ready, prepared]
listo (a) [comportamiento] lebhaft (a) [comportamiento]
listo (a) klug (a)
listo (v adj n) [exhibiting intellectual knowledge, such as that found in books] klug (v adj n) [exhibiting intellectual knowledge, such as that found in books]
listo (a) [inteligencia] klug (a) [inteligencia]
listo (adj) [mentally quick or sharp] klug (adj) [mentally quick or sharp]
listo (a) [comportamiento] munter (a) [comportamiento]
listo (a) [comportamiento] rege (a) [comportamiento]
listo (a) [carácter] scharfsinnig (a) [carácter]
listo (a) [estado emocional] geneigt (a) [estado emocional]
listo (a) [respuesta] scharfsinnig (a) [respuesta]
listo (adj adv int) [Used to affirm, indicate agreement, or consent (1)] gut (adj adv int) [Used to affirm, indicate agreement, or consent (1)]
listo (a) [comportamiento] durchtrieben (a) [comportamiento]
listo (a) [inteligencia] geschickt (a) [inteligencia]
listo (a) [comportamiento] listig (a) [comportamiento]
listo (a) schlau (a)
listo (a) [comportamiento] schlau (a) [comportamiento]
listo (adj) [mentally quick or sharp] schlau (adj) [mentally quick or sharp]
listo (a) [respuesta] schlau (a) [respuesta]
listo (adj adv int) [Used to affirm, indicate agreement, or consent (1)] in Ordnung (adj adv int) [Used to affirm, indicate agreement, or consent (1)]
listo (a) [tiempo] reif (a) [tiempo]
listo (a) bereit (a)
ES Sinónimos de listo DE Traducciones
vivo [desenvuelto] lystig
activo [desenvuelto] m aktiv
ágil [desenvuelto] sprek
vigilante [atento] m våken
pronto [atento] snart
alerta [atento] f alarm {m}
arriesgado [atrevido] våghals (n adj)
rápido [vivaz] kjapp
astuto [sagaz] smart
ligero [rápido] forsiktig
diligente [rápido] iherdig
a punto [preparado] på veg til (prep adv adj)
despejado [perspicaz] fri
agudo [perspicaz] skarp
pillo [pícaro] m smart
minucioso [previsor] grundige (adj)