La búsqueda del término máquina ha obtenido 12 resultados
ES Español DE Alemán
máquina {f} Auto {n}
máquina (n) [automobile, a vehicle steered by a driver] {f} Auto (n) {n} [automobile, a vehicle steered by a driver]
máquina {f} Automobil {n}
máquina (n) [automobile, a vehicle steered by a driver] {f} Automobil (n) {n} [automobile, a vehicle steered by a driver]
máquina {f} Wagen {m}
máquina (n) [automobile, a vehicle steered by a driver] {f} Wagen (n) {m} [automobile, a vehicle steered by a driver]
máquina (n) [machine that dispenses merchandise] {f} Automat (n) {m} [machine that dispenses merchandise]
máquina (n) [machine that dispenses merchandise] {f} Verkaufsautomat (n) [machine that dispenses merchandise]
máquina (n) {f} Maschine (n) {f}
máquina (n) [general] {f} Maschine (n) {f} [general]
máquina {f} PKW
máquina (n) [automobile, a vehicle steered by a driver] {f} PKW (n) [automobile, a vehicle steered by a driver]
ES Sinónimos de máquina DE Traducciones
mecanismo [artefacto] m прибо́р (v n adj)
instrumento [artefacto] m инструмент (m)
dispositivo [artefacto] m прибо́р (v n adj)
artilugio [artefacto] га́джет (n)
aparato [artefacto] m штуковина
motor [aparato] m мото́р (n)
utensilio [aparato] m сре́дство (n v)
maquinaria [mecanismo] f машины и оборудование