La búsqueda del término mozo ha obtenido 15 resultados
ES Español DE Alemán
mozo (n) [young person] (m (Lat. Amer.)) Jugendliche (n) {m} [young person]
mozo (n) [one who is hired to perform regular household or other duties, and receives compensation] (m (Lat. Amer.)) Diener (n) {m} [one who is hired to perform regular household or other duties, and receives compensation]
mozo (n) [one who is hired to perform regular household or other duties, and receives compensation] (m (Lat. Amer.)) Dienerin (n) {f} [one who is hired to perform regular household or other duties, and receives compensation]
mozo (n) (m (Lat. Amer.)) Junge (n) {m}
mozo (n) [young man] (m (Lat. Amer.)) Halbwüchsiger (n) {m} [young man]
mozo (n) (m (Lat. Amer.)) Kellner (n) {m}
mozo (n) [a server in a restaurant or similar] (m (Lat. Amer.)) Kellner (n) {m} [a server in a restaurant or similar]
mozo (n) [restaurante - hombre] (m (Lat. Amer.)) Kellner (n) {m} [restaurante - hombre]
mozo (m (Lat. Amer.)) Ober {m}
mozo (n) [a server in a restaurant or similar] (m (Lat. Amer.)) Ober (n) {m} [a server in a restaurant or similar]
mozo (n) [restaurante - hombre] (m (Lat. Amer.)) Ober (n) {m} [restaurante - hombre]
mozo (n) [young man] (m (Lat. Amer.)) Heranwachsender (n) [young man] (m)
mozo (n) [young man] (m (Lat. Amer.)) Jugendlicher (n) [young man] (m)
mozo (n) [young person] (m (Lat. Amer.)) Jugendlicher (n) [young person] (m)
mozo (n) [young man] (m (Lat. Amer.)) junger Mann (n) {m} [young man]
ES Sinónimos de mozo DE Traducciones
obrero [peón] m arbejder (n)
muchacho [recadero] m dreng
chico [recadero] m dreng
botones [recadero] m piccolo (n)
peón [costalero] m bonde
camarero [servidor] m tjener (n)
asistente [servidor] m hjælper (n v)
ayudante [servidor] m hjælper (n v)
doncel [paje] m (n adj)
servidor [sirviente] m server
hortera [dependiente] cheesy (adj)
adolescente [muchacho] m teenager
joven [muchacho] m ung (adj n v)
cochero [caballerizo] m kusk (n)
libre [soltero] fri
suelto [soltero] vekselpenge
puro [soltero] cigar
pequeño [niño] liden
ordenanza [mandadero] f regeringslov
empleado [mandadero] m ansat