La búsqueda del término pegado al cuerpo ha obtenido uno resultado
ES Español DE Alemán
pegado al cuerpo (a) hauteng (a)

ES DE Traducciones de pegado

pegado (a) [vestuario] eng anliegend (a) [vestuario]
pegado (adj) [trapped and unable to move] eingeklemmt (adj) [trapped and unable to move]
pegado (adj) [trapped and unable to move] festgeklemmt (adj) [trapped and unable to move]

ES DE Traducciones de al

al (n adj adv) [towards the west] westlich (n adj adv) [towards the west]
al (n adj adv) [towards the west] westwärts (n adj adv) [towards the west]
al (a) zur (a)

ES DE Traducciones de cuerpo

cuerpo (n v) [corpse] {m} Kadaver (n v) {m} [corpse]
cuerpo (n) {m} Körper (n) {m}
cuerpo (n) [anatomía] {m} Körper (n) {m} [anatomía]
cuerpo (n v) [any physical object or material thing] {m} Körper (n v) {m} [any physical object or material thing]
cuerpo (n) [física] {m} Körper (n) {m} [física]
cuerpo (adj n adv) [geometry: three-dimensional object] {m} Körper (adj n adv) {m} [geometry: three-dimensional object]
cuerpo (n v) [in mathematics] {m} Körper (n v) {m} [in mathematics]
cuerpo (n v) [physical structure of a human or animal] {m} Körper (n v) {m} [physical structure of a human or animal]
cuerpo (n) [militar] {m} Armeekorps (n) {n} [militar]
cuerpo (n) [militar] {m} Korps (n) {n} [militar]