La búsqueda del término Pfiff ha obtenido 9 resultados
DE Alemán ES Español
Pfiff (n) [Erregung] {m} entusiasmo (n) {m} [Erregung]
Pfiff (n v) [sound made by whistling] {m} silbato (n v) {m} [sound made by whistling]
Pfiff (n v) [sound similar to the sound made by whistling] {m} silbato (n v) {m} [sound similar to the sound made by whistling]
Pfiff (n) [allgemein] {m} artefactos (n) [allgemein] (mp)
Pfiff (n v) [sound made by whistling] {m} chiflido (n v) {Ü|es|} [sound made by whistling]
DE Alemán ES Español
Pfiff (n v) [sound similar to the sound made by whistling] {m} pito (n v) [sound similar to the sound made by whistling]
Pfiff (n v) [sound made by whistling] {m} pitido (n v) [sound made by whistling]
Pfiff (n v) [sound similar to the sound made by whistling] {m} pitido (n v) [sound similar to the sound made by whistling]
Pfiff (n v) [sound made by whistling] {m} pitada (n v) [sound made by whistling] (n v)

'Traducciones del Alemán al Español

DE Sinónimos de pfiff ES Traducciones
Beginn [Startzeichen] m princípio {m}
Anfang [Startzeichen] m começo {m}
Start [Startzeichen] m saída {f}
Aktion [Kunstgriff] (f Ação (finanças)
List [Kunstgriff] f trapaça {f}
Manipulation [Kunstgriff] f manipulação {f}
Einfall [Kunstgriff] m inspiração {f}
Täuschung [Kunstgriff] f trapaça {f}
Rezept [Kunstgriff] n receita {f}
Manöver [Kunstgriff] n operação {f}
Trick [Kunstgriff] m truque {m}
Intrige [Kunstgriff] f trama {f}
Machenschaften [Kunstgriff] trama {f}
Praktik [Kunstgriff] f prática {f}
Eselsbrücke [Kunstgriff] f mnemónica {f}
Kunstgriff [Kunstgriff] m (m artimanha {f}
Masche [Kunstgriff] f malha {f}
Raffinesse [Kunstgriff] sutileza {f}
Finesse [Kunstgriff] f leveza {f}
Kniff [Kunstgriff] m vinco {m}