La búsqueda del término real ha obtenido 14 resultados
ES Español DE Alemán
real (a) [efectivo] tatsächlich (a) [efectivo]
real (adj n) [existing in act or reality, not just potentially] tatsächlich (adj n) [existing in act or reality, not just potentially]
real (a) [efectivo] wirklich (a) [efectivo]
real (a) [hecho] wirklich (a) [hecho]
real (adj n) [existing in act or reality, not just potentially] konkret (adj n) [existing in act or reality, not just potentially]
ES Español DE Alemán
real (adj n) [in action at the time being] aktuell (adj n) [in action at the time being]
real (adj n) [in action at the time being] gegenwärtig (adj n) [in action at the time being]
real Geld {n}
real (a) königlich (a)
real (a) [general] königlich (a) [general]
real (adj n) [of or relating to a monarch or their family] königlich (adj n) [of or relating to a monarch or their family]
real (a) real (a)
real (adj n) [nautical: a sail] Royalsegel (adj n) [nautical: a sail] (adj n)
ES Sinónimos de real DE Traducciones
legítimo [genuino] valódi (adj n)
verdadero [genuino] valódi (adj n)
fidedigno [genuino] megbízható (adj)
auténtico [genuino] valódi (adj n)
seguro [verdadero] m biztos (adj adv int)
cierto [verdadero] bizonyos (adj determiner)
material [práctico] m anyag
efectivo [práctico] m hatékony (adj)
concreto [práctico] beton
empírico [práctico] tapasztalati (adj)
sencillo [natural] egyenes
llano [natural] m lapos (adj n v)
puro [natural] szivar (n)
sincero [natural] őszinte (adj)
franco [natural] m őszinte (adj)
espontáneo [natural] spontán (adj)
genuino [auténtico] valódi (adj n)
evidente [incuestionable] evidens (adj)
innegable [incuestionable] tagadhatatlan (adj)
cortesano [áulico] m udvaronc (n)
DE Alemán ES Español
real (a) real (a)

'Traducciones del Alemán al Español