La búsqueda del término recurso ha obtenido 18 resultados
ES Español DE Alemán
recurso (n) [ayudar] {m} Ausweg (n) {m} [ayudar]
recurso (n v) [a written order] {m} Gerichtsurkunde (n v) [a written order] (n v)
recurso (n v) [personal capacity] {m} Fähigkeiten (n v) [personal capacity]
recurso (n v) [something that one uses to achieve an objective] {m} Ressource (n v) {f} [something that one uses to achieve an objective]
recurso (n) {m} Ressource (n) {f}
recurso (n v) [a written order] {m} Erlaß (n v) [a written order] (m)
recurso (n v) [something that one uses to achieve an objective] {m} Rohstoff (n v) {m} [something that one uses to achieve an objective]
recurso (n v) [a written order] {m} Verfügung (n v) {f} [a written order]
recurso (n v) [something or someone turned to for safety] {m} Ausweg (n v) {m} [something or someone turned to for safety]
recurso (n v) [something that one uses to achieve an objective] {m} Quelle (n v) {f} [something that one uses to achieve an objective]
recurso (n v) [something or someone turned to for safety] {m} Zuflucht (n v) {f} [something or someone turned to for safety]
recurso (n) [solución] {m} Zuflucht (n) {f} [solución]
recurso (n) [general] {m} Zuflucht (n) {f} [general]
recurso (n) [ayudar] {m} Zuflucht (n) {f} [ayudar]
recurso (n v) [something which helps; a material source of help] {m} Hilfsmittel (n v) {n} [something which helps; a material source of help]
recurso (n v) [something which helps; a material source of help] {m} Hilfe (n v) {f} [something which helps; a material source of help]
recurso (n v) [something that one uses to achieve an objective] {m} Mittel (n v) {n} [something that one uses to achieve an objective]
recurso (n v) [personal capacity] {m} Mittel (n v) {n} [personal capacity]
ES Sinónimos de recurso DE Traducciones
petición [alzada] f ansøgning (n v)
apelación [alzada] f anke
coartada [disculpa] f alibi
salida [disculpa] f udgang
medio [pretexto] m miljø
escalón [grado] m trin (v n)
etapa [grado] f skridt {n}
pleito [grado] m retstvist
proceso [juicio] m forfølgelse
caso [juicio] m fald
litigio [juicio] m retstvist
empleo [manipulación] m erhvervsaktivitet
trabajo [manipulación] m arbejde
juicio [demanda] m prøve
refugio [remedio] m tilflugt
remedio [satisfacción] m hjælpemiddel (n v)