La búsqueda del término reimpresión ha obtenido 5 resultados
ES Español DE Alemán
reimpresión (n) {f} Nachdruck (n) {m}
reimpresión (n v) [book, pamphlet or other printed matter that has been published once before but is now being released again] {f} Nachdruck (n v) {m} [book, pamphlet or other printed matter that has been published once before but is now being released again]
reimpresión (n) [libros] {f} Nachdruck (n) {m} [libros]
reimpresión (n v) [book, pamphlet or other printed matter that has been published once before but is now being released again] {f} Neudruck (n v) {m} [book, pamphlet or other printed matter that has been published once before but is now being released again]
reimpresión (n v) [book, pamphlet or other printed matter that has been published once before but is now being released again] {f} Neuauflage (n v) {f} [book, pamphlet or other printed matter that has been published once before but is now being released again]
ES Sinónimos de reimpresión DE Traducciones
impresión [publicación] f stampato {m}
reproducción [publicación] f riproduzione {f}
edición [publicación] f edizione {f}
compaginación [edición] f impaginazione {f}
ajuste [edición] m marchingegno {m}
composición [edición] f componimento {m}