La búsqueda del término Satán ha obtenido 14 resultados
ES Español DE Alemán
Satán (n) [general] {m} Teufel (n) {m} [general]
Satán (proper) [the Devil] {m} Teufel (proper) {m} [the Devil]
Satán (n) {m} Satan (n) {m}
Satán (proper) [the Devil] {m} Satan (proper) {m} [the Devil]
ES Sinónimos de satan DE Traducciones
Belcebú [Lucifer] m Beelzebub {m}
Satanás [Lucifer] m Teufel {m}
Leviatán [Lucifer] Leviathan {m}
Anticristo [Lucifer] Antichrist
Lucifer [diablo] Luzifer {m}
Mefistófeles [diablo] Mephistopheles
demonio [diablo] m Dämon {m}
diablo [demonio] m Ungeheuer {n}
DE Alemán ES Español
Satan (n) [umgangssprachlich] {m} demonio (n) {m} [umgangssprachlich]
Satan (n) [Unterwelt] {m} demonio (n) {m} [Unterwelt]
Satan (n) [ohne] {m} Satán (n) {m} [ohne]
Satan {m} Satanás {m}
Satan (proper) [the Devil] {m} Satanás (proper) {m} [the Devil]
Satan (n) [Unterwelt] {m} diablo (n) {m} [Unterwelt]
Satan (n v) [the devil: the chief devil] {m} diablo (n v) {m} [the devil: the chief devil]
Satan (n) [Unterwelt] {m} espíritu maligno (n) {m} [Unterwelt]
Satan (proper) [the Devil] {m} Satán (proper) {m} [the Devil]
Satan {m} Satán {m}

'Traducciones del Alemán al Español

DE Sinónimos de satan ES Traducciones
Geist [Teufel] m espíritu {m}
Teufel [Teufel] m diablo {m}
Luzifer [Teufel] m Lucifer
Bösewicht [Teufel] m villano {m}
Verführer [Teufel] m casanova {m}
Barbar [Teufel] m bárbaro {m}
Beelzebub [Teufel] m Beelzebub
Pferdefuß [Teufel] Gabarro
Drache [Scheusal] m Draco
Verbrecher [Scheusal] m delincuente {m}
Aas [Scheusal] n cadáver {m}
Ungeheuer [Scheusal] n malvado {m}
Hexe [Scheusal] f bruja {f}
Köder [Scheusal] m carnada
Deformation [Scheusal] f Torcer I
Biest [Scheusal] n Bestia (proper)
Moloch [Scheusal] m Moloch
Xanthippe [Scheusal] f Xanthippa
Untier [Scheusal] Sofea
Schurke [Scheusal] m pillo {m}