La búsqueda del término Schrift ha obtenido 20 resultados
DE Alemán ES Español
Schrift (n) [heilige Schrift] {f} Escritura (n) [heilige Schrift]
Schrift (n) [Buch] {f} obra (n) {f} [Buch]
Schrift (n) {f} letra (n) {f}
Schrift (n) [Buch] {f} escrito (n) {m} [Buch]
Schrift (n) {f} escritura (n) {f}
DE Alemán ES Español
Schrift (n) {f} tipo de letra (n)
Schrift (n) [Zeichen] {f} letra (n) {f} [Zeichen]
Schrift (n) [allgemein] {f} letra (n) {f} [allgemein]
Schrift (n) [Alphabet] {f} escritura (n) {f} [Alphabet]
Schrift (n) [Zeichen] {f} escritura (n) {f} [Zeichen]
Schrift (n) [allgemein] {f} escritura (n) {f} [allgemein]
Schrift (n v) [a system of writing] {f} escritura (n v) {f} [a system of writing]
Schrift (n) [any sacred writing or book] {f} escritura (n) {f} [any sacred writing or book]
Schrift (n) [process of representing a language] {f} escritura (n) {f} [process of representing a language]
Schrift (n) [something written] {f} escritura (n) {f} [something written]
Schrift (n) [work of an author] {f} escritura (n) {f} [work of an author]
Schrift (n) [written letters or symbols] {f} escritura (n) {f} [written letters or symbols]
Schrift (n) [work of an author] {f} escrito (n) {m} [work of an author]
Schrift (n) [something written] {f} escrito (n) {m} [something written]
Schrift {f} Escritura

'Traducciones del Alemán al Español

DE Sinónimos de schrift ES Traducciones
Werk [Abhandlung] n obra {f}
Untersuchung [Abhandlung] f prueba {f}
Studie [Abhandlung] f esbozo {m}
Bericht [Abhandlung] m informe {m}
Analyse [Abhandlung] f análisis {m}
Beitrag [Abhandlung] m cuota {f}
Veröffentlichung [Abhandlung] f estreno {m}
Erzählung [Abhandlung] f cuento {m}
Essay [Abhandlung] n ensayo {m}
Publikation [Abhandlung] f publicación {f}
Auswertung [Abhandlung] f evaluación {f}
Aufsatz [Abhandlung] m ensayo {m}
Lesung [Abhandlung] f Hojeada
Broschüre [Abhandlung] f folleto {m}
Bestseller [Abhandlung] m éxito de librería {m}
Denkschrift [Abhandlung] f estudio {m}
Band [Abhandlung] n volumen {m}
Buch [Abhandlung] n libro {m}
Schinken [Abhandlung] m jamón {m}
Druckschrift [Abhandlung] Tirar I