La búsqueda del término seguro de sí mismo ha obtenido 6 resultados
ES Español DE Alemán
seguro de sí mismo (adj) [being very sure of or positive about something] sicher (adj) [being very sure of or positive about something]
seguro de sí mismo (a) [comportamiento] sicher (a) [comportamiento]
seguro de sí mismo (a) [comportamiento] selbstsicher (a) [comportamiento]
seguro de sí mismo (adj) [confident in one's abilities] selbstsicher (adj) [confident in one's abilities]
seguro de sí mismo (a) [comportamiento] selbstbewusst (a) [comportamiento]
seguro de sí mismo (adj) [being very sure of or positive about something] zuversichtlich (adj) [being very sure of or positive about something]

ES DE Traducciones de seguro

seguro (a) [cierto] {m} bestimmt (a) [cierto]
seguro (a) [cierto] {m} gewiss (a) [cierto]
seguro (o) [general] {m} selbstverständlich (o) [general]
seguro (a) {m} sicher (a)
seguro (adj v) [Free from the risk of financial loss; reliable] {m} sicher (adj v) [Free from the risk of financial loss; reliable]
seguro (a) [arriesgar] {m} sicher (a) [arriesgar]
seguro (adj adv int) [certain, reliable] {m} sicher (adj adv int) [certain, reliable]
seguro (a) [cierto] {m} sicher (a) [cierto]
seguro (a) [convicción] {m} sicher (a) [convicción]
seguro (a) [fama] {m} sicher (a) [fama]

ES DE Traducciones de de

de (adj) [having a bad or foul taste] widerwärtig (adj) [having a bad or foul taste]
de (adj) [having a bad or foul taste] geschmacklos (adj) [having a bad or foul taste]
de (a) oberirdisch (a)
de (o) [general] zu (o) [general]
de (o) [general] für (o) [general]
de (n) vor (n)
de (prep) [with the separation, exclusion or differentiation of] vor (prep) [with the separation, exclusion or differentiation of]
de (o) [concerniente] betreffend (o) [concerniente]
de (o) [concerniente] betreffs (o) [concerniente]
de (o) [concerniente] bezüglich (o) [concerniente]

ES DE Traducciones de

(adv int n v) [word used to indicate disagreement or dissent in reply to a negative statement] doch (adv int n v) [word used to indicate disagreement or dissent in reply to a negative statement]
(n) ja (n)
(adv int n v) [expression of pleasure, joy or great excitement] ja (adv int n v) [expression of pleasure, joy or great excitement]
(o) [general] ja (o) [general]
(o) [interjección] ja (o) [interjección]
(adv int n v) [word used to indicate agreement or acceptance] ja (adv int n v) [word used to indicate agreement or acceptance]
(adv int) [yes] ja (adv int) [yes]
(n) Ja (n) {n}
(adv int n v) [answer that shows agreement or acceptance] Ja (adv int n v) {n} [answer that shows agreement or acceptance]

ES DE Traducciones de mismo

mismo (n) selbst (n)
mismo (o) [pron reflexivo. - recalcado - masculino] selbst (o) [pron reflexivo. - recalcado - masculino]
mismo (adv adj pronoun) [similar, alike] gleich (adv adj pronoun) [similar, alike]
mismo (a) nämlich (a)
mismo (a) [general] dasselbe (a) [general]
mismo (a) [palabra de intensificación] dasselbe (a) [palabra de intensificación]
mismo (adv adj pronoun) [not different as regards self; identical] selbe (adv adj pronoun) [not different as regards self; identical]
mismo (a) [general] derselbe (a) [general]
mismo (adv adj pronoun) [not different as regards self; identical] derselbe (adv adj pronoun) [not different as regards self; identical]
mismo (a) [palabra de intensificación] derselbe (a) [palabra de intensificación]