La búsqueda del término Sehkraft ha obtenido 6 resultados
DE Alemán ES Español
Sehkraft (n) [Physiologie] {f} visión (n) {m} [Physiologie]
Sehkraft (n) [faculty of sight] {f} visión (n) {m} [faculty of sight]
Sehkraft (n v) [sense or ability of sight] {f} visión (n v) {m} [sense or ability of sight]
Sehkraft (n) [Physiologie] {f} vista (n) {f} [Physiologie]
Sehkraft (n) [faculty of sight] {f} vista (n) {f} [faculty of sight]
Sehkraft (n v) [sense or ability of sight] {f} vista (n v) {f} [sense or ability of sight]

'Traducciones del Alemán al Español

DE Sinónimos de sehkraft ES Traducciones
Auge [Sehorgan] n olho {m}
Sehvermögen [Sehorgan] n visão {f}
Augapfel [Sehorgan] m globo ocular {m}
Gesichtssinn [Sehorgan] m visão {f}