ES DE Traducciones del Español al Alemán de ser
La búsqueda del término ser ha obtenido 11 resultados
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ES | Español | DE | Alemán | |
ser (v) [filosofía] {m} | existieren (v) [filosofía] | |||
ser (n) {m} | sein (n) | |||
ser (v) [filosofía] {m} | sein (v) [filosofía] | |||
ser (v) [general] {m} | sein (v) [general] | |||
ser (v) [used to indicate that the subject and object are the same] {m} | sein (v) [used to indicate that the subject and object are the same] | |||
ser (v) [used to indicate that the subject has the qualities described by a noun or noun phrase] {m} | sein (v) [used to indicate that the subject has the qualities described by a noun or noun phrase] | |||
ser (v) [used to indicate that the subject plays the role of the predicate nominative] {m} | sein (v) [used to indicate that the subject plays the role of the predicate nominative] | |||
ser (v) [used to indicate that the values on either side of an equation are the same] {m} | sein (v) [used to indicate that the values on either side of an equation are the same] | |||
ser (n conj) [a living creature] {m} | Wesen (n conj) {n} [a living creature] | |||
ser (n) [criatura] {m} | Wesen (n) {n} [criatura] | |||
ser (n) [criatura] {m} | Kreatur (n) {f} [criatura] |
ES | Sinónimos de ser | DE | Traducciones | |
elemento [ente] m | элеме́нт (n) | |||
cuerpo [ente] m | по́ле (n adj v) | |||
cosa [ente] f | штуковина | |||
principio [naturaleza] m | при́нцип (n) | |||
existencia [naturaleza] f | бытие́ (n conj) | |||
propiedad [naturaleza] f | право собственности | |||
esencia [naturaleza] f | смысл (m) | |||
permanecer [hallarse] | оста́ться (n v) | |||
quedarse [hallarse] | оста́ться (n v) | |||
encontrarse [hallarse] | встречать (vi) | |||
existir [hallarse] | существова́ть (v) | |||
vivir [hallarse] | пережи́ть (v) | |||
estar [hallarse] | достига́ть (v) | |||
germen [embrión] m | за́вязь (n v) | |||
aborto [embrión] m | або́рт (n v) | |||
criatura [embrión] f | тварь {f} (tvar') | |||
feto [embrión] m | плод (m) | |||
hombre [persona] (m] larguirucho [c | акти́вный (n v adj adv) | |||
mortal [persona] | смерте́льный (n adj) | |||
humano [persona] | человек (m) |