La búsqueda del término ser espumoso ha obtenido 6 resultados
ES Español DE Alemán
ser espumoso (v) [bebidas] moussieren (v) [bebidas]
ser espumoso (v) [champán] moussieren (v) [champán]
ser espumoso (v) [bebidas] schäumen (v) [bebidas]
ser espumoso (v) [champán] schäumen (v) [champán]
ser espumoso (v) [bebidas] sprudeln (v) [bebidas]
ser espumoso (v) [champán] sprudeln (v) [champán]

ES DE Traducciones de ser

ser (v) {m} verstehen (v)
ser (v n) [colloquial: be] {m} werden (v n) [colloquial: be]
ser (v) [used to form the passive voice] {m} werden (v) [used to form the passive voice]
ser (n) {m} Sein (n) {n}
ser (v) [filosofía] {m} existieren (v) [filosofía]
ser (n) {m} sein (n)
ser (v) [filosofía] {m} sein (v) [filosofía]
ser (v) [general] {m} sein (v) [general]
ser (v) [used to indicate that the subject and object are the same] {m} sein (v) [used to indicate that the subject and object are the same]
ser (v) [used to indicate that the subject has the qualities described by a noun or noun phrase] {m} sein (v) [used to indicate that the subject has the qualities described by a noun or noun phrase]

ES DE Traducciones de espumoso

espumoso (a) [cerveza] schäumend (a) [cerveza]
espumoso (a) [encrespado] schäumend (a) [encrespado]
espumoso (a) [vino] schäumend (a) [vino]
espumoso (a) [bebidas] sprudelnd (a) [bebidas]
espumoso (a) [encrespado] schaumig (a) [encrespado]
espumoso (a) [general] schaumig (a) [general]