La búsqueda del término siempre y cuando ha obtenido 5 resultados
ES Español DE Alemán
siempre y cuando (n conj v) [during the same time that] (adv) während (n conj v) [during the same time that]
siempre y cuando (adv) [every time] (adv) immer wenn (adv) [every time]
siempre y cuando (n conj v) [during the same time that] (adv) solange (n conj v) [during the same time that]
siempre y cuando (adv) [every time] (adv) sooft (adv) [every time]
siempre y cuando (adv) [every time] (adv) jedes Mal, wenn (adv) [every time] (adv)

ES DE Traducciones de siempre

siempre (o) [eternamente] ewig (o) [eternamente]
siempre (o) [constantemente] ständig (o) [constantemente]
siempre (o) [continuamente] ununterbrochen (o) [continuamente]
siempre (v) immer (v)
siempre (adv adj) [always] immer (adv adj) [always]
siempre (adv) [at all times] immer (adv) [at all times]
siempre (o) [constantemente] immer (o) [constantemente]
siempre (adv) [constantly during a certain period, or regularly at stated intervals] immer (adv) [constantly during a certain period, or regularly at stated intervals]
siempre (o) [continuamente] immer (o) [continuamente]
siempre (o) [general] immer (o) [general]

ES DE Traducciones de y

y sowie
y (o) [más] plus (o) [más]
y (a) und (a)
y (o) [conjunción] und (o) [conjunción]
y (o) [más] und (o) [más]
y (adv) [used to ask someone to consider something or someone that they have apparently not considered] und (adv) [used to ask someone to consider something or someone that they have apparently not considered]
y (adv) [used to ask someone to consider something or someone that they have apparently not considered] was ist mit (adv) [used to ask someone to consider something or someone that they have apparently not considered] (adv)

ES DE Traducciones de cuando

cuando (adv conj pronoun n) [at a time in the past] als (adv conj pronoun n) [at a time in the past]
cuando (o) [conjunción] als (o) [conjunción]
cuando wann
cuando (adv conj pronoun n) [at what time] wann (adv conj pronoun n) [at what time]
cuando (o) [conjunción] wann (o) [conjunción]
cuando (adv conj pronoun n) [direct question] wann (adv conj pronoun n) [direct question]
cuando (adv conj pronoun n) [what time; which time] wann (adv conj pronoun n) [what time; which time]
cuando (a) wenn (a)
cuando (adv conj pronoun n) [as soon as] wenn (adv conj pronoun n) [as soon as]
cuando (adv conj pronoun n) [at such time as] wenn (adv conj pronoun n) [at such time as]