La búsqueda del término soplar ha obtenido 17 resultados
ES Español DE Alemán
soplar (v n) [to propel by an air current] fortblasen (v n) [to propel by an air current]
soplar (v n) [to propel by an air current] hinfortblasen (v n) [to propel by an air current] (v n)
soplar (v n) [to propel by an air current] wegpusten (v n) [to propel by an air current]
soplar (n v) [to drink alcohol regularly, but not to excess] picheln (n v) [to drink alcohol regularly, but not to excess]
soplar (v n) [to propel by an air current] pusten (v n) [to propel by an air current]
soplar (v n) [to produce an air current] pusten (v n) [to produce an air current]
soplar (v) pusten (v)
soplar (v n) [to produce an air current] wehen (v n) [to produce an air current]
soplar (v) wehen (v)
soplar (v) blasen (v)
soplar (v) petzen (v)
soplar (v n) [to propel by an air current] wegblasen (v n) [to propel by an air current]
soplar (v) [fuego] ausblasen (v) [fuego]
soplar (v) [viento] winden (v) [viento] (sich)
soplar (v n) [to propel by an air current] blasen (v n) [to propel by an air current]
soplar (v n) [to produce an air current] blasen (v n) [to produce an air current]
soplar (v) [respiro] blasen (v) [respiro]