La búsqueda del término Störung ha obtenido 17 resultados
DE Alemán ES Español
Störung (n) [physical or psychical malfunction] {f} desorden (n) {m} [physical or psychical malfunction]
Störung {f} Interferencia
Störung (n) [act of disturbing, being disturbed] {f} estorbo (n) [act of disturbing, being disturbed]
Störung (n) [interruption] {f} quebranto (n) [interruption]
Störung (n) [interruption] {f} incidente (n) {m} [interruption]
DE Alemán ES Español
Störung (n) [interruption] {f} interrupción (n) {f} [interruption]
Störung (n) [physical or psychical malfunction] {f} trastorno (n) {m} [physical or psychical malfunction]
Störung (n) [''(psychology)'' serious mental imbalance or illness] {f} trastorno (n) {m} [''(psychology)'' serious mental imbalance or illness]
Störung (n) [Schwierigkeit] {f} impedimento (n) {m} [Schwierigkeit]
Störung (n) [interruption] {f} ruptura (n) {f} [interruption]
Störung (n) [interruption of that which is normal or regular] {f} perturbación (n) {f} [interruption of that which is normal or regular]
Störung (n) [act of disturbing, being disturbed] {f} perturbación (n) {f} [act of disturbing, being disturbed]
Störung (n) [Meteorologie] {f} perturbación (n) {f} [Meteorologie]
Störung (n) [''(psychology)'' serious mental imbalance or illness] {f} perturbación (n) {f} [''(psychology)'' serious mental imbalance or illness]
Störung (n) [act of disturbing, being disturbed] {f} disturbio (n) {m} [act of disturbing, being disturbed]
Störung (n) [Radio - Fernsehen] {f} interferencia (n) {f} [Radio - Fernsehen]
Störung (n v) [problem, bug, imperfection, quirk] {f} problema (n v) {m} [problem, bug, imperfection, quirk]

'Traducciones del Alemán al Español

DE Sinónimos de störung ES Traducciones
Behinderung [Hemmung] f discapacidad
Hindernis [Hemmung] n obstáculo {m}
Engpass [Hemmung] m paso {m}
Fessel [Hemmung] f tobillo {m}
Erschwerung [Hemmung] agravio {m}
Hemmschuh [Hemmung] m cuña {f}
Handikap [Hemmung] n incapacidad {f}
Schaden [Schädigung] m daño {m}
Beeinträchtigung [Schädigung] f Verruga
Minderung [Schädigung] Reducción-oxidación
Knacks [Schädigung] m Timbre musical
Grenze [Behinderung] f frontera {f}
leiden [Behinderung] soportar
Beschränkung [Behinderung] f restricción {f}
Beschwerden [Behinderung] f malestar {m}
Blockade [Behinderung] f bloqueo {m}
Schwierigkeit [Behinderung] f dificultad {f}
Hemmung [Behinderung] f inhibición {f}
Barriere [Behinderung] f barrera {f}
Kluft [Behinderung] f Diaclasa