La búsqueda del término töricht ha obtenido 14 resultados
DE Alemán ES Español
töricht (a) [vergeblich] estúpido (a) {m} [vergeblich]
töricht (a) [unvernünftig] insensato (a) [unvernünftig]
töricht (a) [Person] estúpido (a) {m} [Person]
töricht (a) [unsinnig] estúpido (a) {m} [unsinnig]
töricht (a) [einfältig] corto (a) [einfältig]
töricht (a) [Benehmen] insensato (a) [Benehmen]
töricht (a) [Person] insensato (a) [Person]
töricht (a) [unsinnig] insensato (a) [unsinnig]
töricht (adj) [obnoxiously stupid, vacantly silly, content in one's foolishness] fatuo (adj) [obnoxiously stupid, vacantly silly, content in one's foolishness]
töricht (adj) [lacking good sense or judgement; unwise] necio (adj) [lacking good sense or judgement; unwise]
töricht (adj) [lacking good sense or judgement; unwise] tonto (adj) {m} [lacking good sense or judgement; unwise]
töricht (adj) [resembling or characteristic of a fool] tonto (adj) {m} [resembling or characteristic of a fool]
töricht (a) [Benehmen] imprudente (a) [Benehmen]
töricht (adj) [lacking good sense or judgement; unwise] imprudente (adj) [lacking good sense or judgement; unwise]

'Traducciones del Alemán al Español