La búsqueda del término tiempo gramatical ha obtenido 2 resultados
ES | Español | DE | Alemán | |
| tiempo gramatical (n adj v) [verb forms distinguishing time] | | Zeit (n adj v) {f} [verb forms distinguishing time] | |
| tiempo gramatical (n adj v) [verb forms distinguishing time] | | Tempus (n adj v) [verb forms distinguishing time] | |
| tiempo (n) {m} | | Zeit (n) {f} | |
| tiempo (n) [general] {m} | | Zeit (n) {f} [general] | |
| tiempo (n) [lingüística] {m} | | Zeit (n) {f} [lingüística] | |
| tiempo (int n v) [measurement of a quantity of time] {m} | | Zeit (int n v) {f} [measurement of a quantity of time] | |
| tiempo (int n v) [measurement under some system of the time of day or moment in time] {m} | | Zeit (int n v) {f} [measurement under some system of the time of day or moment in time] | |
| tiempo (int n v) [quantity of availability in time] {m} | | Zeit (int n v) {f} [quantity of availability in time] | |
| tiempo (n adj v) [verb forms distinguishing time] {m} | | Zeit (n adj v) {f} [verb forms distinguishing time] | |
| tiempo (n) [lingüística] {m} | | Zeitform (n) {f} [lingüística] | |
| tiempo (n adj v) [verb forms distinguishing time] {m} | | Tempus (n adj v) [verb forms distinguishing time] | |
| tiempo (n) [música] {m} | | Takt (n) {m} [música] | |