La búsqueda del término torbellino ha obtenido 8 resultados
ES Español DE Alemán
torbellino (n) {m} Wirbel (n) {m}
torbellino (n) [general] {m} Wirbel (n) {m} [general]
torbellino (n) [humo] {m} Wirbel (n) {m} [humo]
torbellino (n) [actividad] {m} Trubel (n) {m} [actividad]
torbellino (n) {m} Hose (n) {f}
torbellino (n adj) [a violent windstorm of limited extent characterised by an inward spiral motion of the air] {m} Wirbelsturm (n adj) {m} [a violent windstorm of limited extent characterised by an inward spiral motion of the air]
torbellino (n adj) [a violent windstorm of limited extent characterised by an inward spiral motion of the air] {m} Wirbelwind (n adj) {m} [a violent windstorm of limited extent characterised by an inward spiral motion of the air]
torbellino (n) [meteorología] {m} Wirbelwind (n) {m} [meteorología]
ES Sinónimos de torbellino DE Traducciones
ciclón [huracán] m Zyklone (n)
tornado [huracán] m Tornado {m}
borrasca [huracán] Sturm {m}
vendaval [huracán] m Sturmwind {m}
tifón [huracán] m Taifun {m}
vórtice [remolino] m Wirbel {m}
embudo [remolino] m Trichter {m}
corriente [remolino] f Zugluft {f}
tiro [flujo] m Feuer {n}
torrente [flujo] m Sturzflut (n v)
multitud [hormiguero] f Schar {f}
muchedumbre [hormiguero] f Gedränge {n}
masa [hormiguero] f Teig {m}
abundancia [hormiguero] f Überfluss {m}
enjambre [hormiguero] f Schwarm {m}
afluencia [hormiguero] f Zufluss {m}
tempestad [ciclón] f Sturm {m}
huracán [ciclón] m Orkan {m}
remolino [tromba] m Wirbel {m}
manga [tromba] f Ärmel {m}