La búsqueda del término tribu ha obtenido 20 resultados
ES Español DE Alemán
tribu (n) [etnología] {f} Volksstamm (n) {m} [etnología]
tribu (n) [group of people] {f} Völklein (n) {n} [group of people]
tribu {f} Völklein {n}
tribu (n) [group of people] {f} Völkchen (n) {n} [group of people]
tribu {f} Völkchen {n}
tribu (n) [group of people] {f} Tribus (n) {f} [group of people]
tribu {f} Tribus {f}
tribu (n) [group of people] {f} Völkerschaft (n) {f} [group of people]
tribu {f} Völkerschaft {f}
tribu (n) [group of people] {f} Volksstamm (n) {m} [group of people]
tribu {f} Sippschaft {f}
tribu (n) {f} Volksstamm (n) {m}
tribu (n) [group of people] {f} Volk (n) {n} [group of people]
tribu {f} Volk {n}
tribu (n) [group of people] {f} Sippe (n) {f} [group of people]
tribu {f} Sippe {f}
tribu (n) [group of people] {f} Stamm (n) {m} [group of people]
tribu (n) [etnología] {f} Stamm (n) {m} [etnología]
tribu (n) {f} Stamm (n) {m}
tribu (n) [group of people] {f} Sippschaft (n) {f} [group of people]
ES Sinónimos de tribu DE Traducciones
grupo [familia] m kapela
secta [familia] f kult
clan [familia] m rod {m}
pueblo [clan] m dědina {f}
agrupación [clan] m shluk