La búsqueda del término Tyrann ha obtenido 12 resultados
DE Alemán ES Español
Tyrann (n) {m} tirano (n) {m}
Tyrann (n) [Politik] {m} tirano (n) {m} [Politik]
Tyrann (n v adj int) [person who is cruel to others] {m} pendenciero (n v adj int) {m} [person who is cruel to others]
Tyrann (n) [Politik] {m} déspota (n) {m} [Politik]
Tyrann (n) [absolute ruler] {m} tirano (n) {m} [absolute ruler]
DE Alemán ES Español
Tyrann (n v adj int) [person who is cruel to others] {m} abusador (n v adj int) {m} [person who is cruel to others]
Tyrann (n v adj int) [person who is cruel to others] {m} matón (n v adj int) {m} [person who is cruel to others]
Tyrann (n v adj int) [person who is cruel to others] {m} peleón (n v adj int) [person who is cruel to others]
Tyrann (n v adj int) [person who is cruel to others] {m} abusón (n v adj int) [person who is cruel to others]
Tyrann (n v adj int) [person who is cruel to others] {m} bravucón (n v adj int) [person who is cruel to others]
Tyrann (n v adj int) [person who is cruel to others] {m} perdonavidas (n v adj int) [person who is cruel to others]
Tyrann (n v adj int) [person who is cruel to others] {m} matasiete (n v adj int) [person who is cruel to others]

'Traducciones del Alemán al Español

DE Sinónimos de tyrann ES Traducciones
Herrscher [Alleinherrscher] m gobernante {m}
Führer [Alleinherrscher] m Führer {m}
Diktator [Alleinherrscher] m tirano {m}
Souverän [Alleinherrscher] m soberano {m}
Unterdrücker [Alleinherrscher] m opresor {m}
Monarch [Diktator] m Monarca
Alleinherrscher [Diktator] m autócrata {m}
Despot [Diktator] m déspota {m}
Autokrat [Diktator] m autócrata {m}
Selbstherrscher [Diktator] m autócrata {m}
Patriarch [Chauvi] m Patriarca
Pascha [Chauvi] m (früher Titel von Generalen und Provinzgouverneuern pachá {m}
Macho [Chauvi] m machismo {m}
Sexist [Chauvi] m sexista {m}
Macker [Chauvi] m tío {m}
Ehemann [Despot] m esposo {m}
Peiniger [Despot] (m atormentador
Ultra [Politiker] ULTRA
Extremist [Politiker] m extremista {m}