La búsqueda del término ventana ha obtenido 5 resultados
ES Español DE Alemán
ventana (n) {f} Fenster (n) {n}
ventana (n) [area on a computer screen] {f} Fenster (n) {n} [area on a computer screen]
ventana (n) [construcción] {f} Fenster (n) {n} [construcción]
ventana (n) [opening for light and air] {f} Fenster (n) {n} [opening for light and air]
ventana (n) [opening for light and air] {f} Windauge (n) [opening for light and air] (n)
ES Sinónimos de ventana DE Traducciones
mirador [ventanal] m burspråksfönster {n}
alta [ventana] f hög
lumbrera [claraboya] f takfönster {n}
claraboya [tragaluz] takfönster {n}
ojo [tragaluz] m öga {n}
abertura [tragaluz] f gap {n}
postigo [abertura] fönsterlucka (u)
puerta [abertura] f port (u)
tragaluz [lumbrera] m takfönster {n}