La búsqueda del término was diese Sache anbelangt ha obtenido 2 resultados
DE Alemán ES Español
was diese Sache anbelangt (o) [allgemein] con respecto a (o) [allgemein]
was diese Sache anbelangt (o) [allgemein] en cuanto a (o) [allgemein]

DE ES Traducciones de was

was (n) [etwas] algo (n) [etwas]
was (n) [sächlich] qué (n) [sächlich]
was (o) [Interrogativpronomen] qué (o) [Interrogativpronomen]
was (o) [Demonstrativpronomen] lo que (o) [Demonstrativpronomen]
was (o) [Relativpron. - Objekt - Sing.] lo que (o) [Relativpron. - Objekt - Sing.]
was (pronoun adv int determiner) [that which; those that; the thing that] lo que (pronoun adv int determiner) [that which; those that; the thing that]
was (o) [Demonstrativpronomen] que (o) [Demonstrativpronomen]
was (o) [Interjektion] eh (o) [Interjektion]
was (o) [Interjektion] perdón (o) {m} [Interjektion]
was (o) [Interjektion] cómo (o) [Interjektion]

DE ES Traducciones de diese

diese esto
diese (determiner adv pronoun) [The thing, item, etc. being indicated] esto (determiner adv pronoun) [The thing, item, etc. being indicated]
diese (determiner adv pronoun) [the (thing) here] esto (determiner adv pronoun) [the (thing) here]
diese (conj determiner pronoun adv) [that thing] ése (conj determiner pronoun adv) [that thing]
diese (conj determiner pronoun adv) [that thing] aquél (conj determiner pronoun adv) [that thing]
diese (conj determiner pronoun adv) [that thing] ésa (conj determiner pronoun adv) [that thing]
diese (conj determiner pronoun adv) [that thing] aquélla (conj determiner pronoun adv) [that thing]
diese (o) [Demonstrativpronomen] éste (o) [Demonstrativpronomen]
diese (o) [Demonstrativpronomen - Pl.] éstos (o) [Demonstrativpronomen - Pl.]
diese (o) [Demonstrativpronomen - Pl.] éstas (o) [Demonstrativpronomen - Pl.]

DE ES Traducciones de sache

Sache (n) [Anliegen] {f} asunto (n) {m} [Anliegen]
Sache (n) [Angelegenheit] {f} cosa (n) {f} [Angelegenheit]
Sache (n) [Angelegenheit] {f} asunto (n) {m} [Angelegenheit]
Sache (n) [Diskussionsthema] {f} asunto (n) {m} [Diskussionsthema]
Sache (n) [Gegenstand] {f} asunto (n) {m} [Gegenstand]
Sache (n) [Angelegenheit] {f} causa (n) {f} [Angelegenheit]
Sache (n) [Recht] {f} causa (n) {f} [Recht]
Sache (n) [Gegenstände] {f} cosa (n) {f} [Gegenstände]
Sache (n) [Gegenstand] {f} cosa (n) {f} [Gegenstand]
Sache (n) [Ding] {f} cosa (n) {f} [Ding]