La búsqueda del término Wichtigtuer ha obtenido 17 resultados
DE Alemán ES Español
Wichtigtuer (n) [someone who interferes with others] {m} intruso (n) {m} [someone who interferes with others]
Wichtigtuer (n) [person who seeks to be a member of the upper classes] {m} siútico (n) [person who seeks to be a member of the upper classes] (n)
Wichtigtuer (n) [person who seeks to be a member of the upper classes] {m} pituco (n) [person who seeks to be a member of the upper classes] (n)
Wichtigtuer (n) [someone who interferes with others] {m} metiche (n) {m} [someone who interferes with others]
Wichtigtuer (n) [someone who interferes with others] {m} metomentodo (n) [someone who interferes with others]
DE Alemán ES Español
Wichtigtuer (n) [person who seeks to be a member of the upper classes] {m} pijo (n) [person who seeks to be a member of the upper classes]
Wichtigtuer (n) [Person] {m} archipámpano (n) {m} [Person]
Wichtigtuer (n) [person who seeks to be a member of the upper classes] {m} esnob (n) {m} [person who seeks to be a member of the upper classes]
Wichtigtuer (n) [person who seeks to be a member of the upper classes] {m} fresa (n) {f} [person who seeks to be a member of the upper classes]
Wichtigtuer (n) [Benehmen - Mann] {m} fanfarrón (n) {m} [Benehmen - Mann]
Wichtigtuer (n) [Person - Mann] {m} presuntuoso (n) {m} [Person - Mann]
Wichtigtuer (n) [Benehmen - Mann] {m} engreído (n) {m} [Benehmen - Mann]
Wichtigtuer (n) [Benehmen - Mann] {m} orgulloso (n) {m} [Benehmen - Mann]
Wichtigtuer (n) [Person - Mann] {m} presumido (n) {m} [Person - Mann]
Wichtigtuer (n) [Benehmen - Mann] {m} presumido (n) {m} [Benehmen - Mann]
Wichtigtuer (n) [Benehmen - Mann] {m} jactancioso (n) {m} [Benehmen - Mann]
Wichtigtuer (n) [Person - Mann] {m} fanfarrón (n) {m} [Person - Mann]

'Traducciones del Alemán al Español

DE Sinónimos de wichtigtuer ES Traducciones
Macho [Großtuer] m machismo {m}
Hochstapler [Großtuer] m estafador {m}
Angeber [Großtuer] m sabihondo {m}
Schaumschläger [Großtuer] batidora {f}
Prahler [Großtuer] m fanfarrón {m}
Aufschneider [Großtuer] m SES Astra
Großmaul [Großtuer] n (n farolero {m}
Großsprecher [Großtuer] m farolero {m}
Maulheld [Großtuer] m jactancioso {m}
Prahlhans [Großtuer] m engreído {m}
Münchhausen [Aufschneider] Barón de Münchhausen
Lügner [Aufschneider] m embustero {m}
Besserwisser [Aufschneider] m sabelotodo {m}
Selbstdarsteller [Prahler] m exhibicionista {m}
Bonze [Prahler] m bonzo
Gaukler [Hochstapler] m Terathopius ecaudatus
Blender [Hochstapler] m Blender
Scharlatan [Hochstapler] m charlatán {m}
Ganove [Hochstapler] m tunante {m}
Ganeff [Hochstapler] m tunante {m}